Bronco Spotlight: Brigetta Phillips-Freeman

Bronco Spotlight: Brigetta Phillips-Freeman
Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice, 2018

Collections Manager at Element Management

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

The library and my fellow students were the resources I used most at 51福利社. I was able to navigate successfully through my undergraduate process thanks to them. 

What advice do you have for students?

I have two pieces of advice for students. The first is to make sure you get an internship in your chosen career field. If you can, intern at the place you want to be employed. People are retiring later in life and are staying in their position longer or moving within the company. It will be important to have contacts within a company that will help you. The second piece of advice is to make sure you travel often. The world has a lot to show you and I can tell you from experience you'll want to see it. 

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