Career and Student Employment Services
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5225 USA
(269) 387-2745
Bronco Spotlight: Carsen Boyd
Marketing Associate at SunMed
I work alongside the Product Management Team focusing on where our products fall in the market, and how we compete with competitors. I support the sales teams with conversions from competitor products to ours.
What experiences impacted the choice of your career path?
I completed my senior year internship in a hospital during COVID. That is when I realized you don't need to be involved with the hospital itself to make a huge impact on patient care. There are multiple different avenues that still help people and the community.
What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?
It truly is about the connections you make and how you market yourself. Just because you don't have the degree a certain position desires, doesn't mean that you aren't capable of doing the work. Take the chance on yourself, the worst thing someone could say is "no".