Student sitting at desk, in classroom, taking notes

Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication Curriculum

 The following information is provided as a guide to your major curriculum. Students should review all requirements (major, minor and general education) as specified in the catalog under which they enter. 

Please note: This list applies to students with a catalog year of Fall 2019.

Strategic Communication Foundations (6 credits) 

COM 1000
Communication and Community Engagement
3 credits
COM 2000
Human Communication Theory
3 credits


Strategic Communication Core Requirements (9 credits)

COM 2500
Introduction to Public Relations
3 credits
COM 2800
Introduction to Organizational Communication
3 credits
COM 3000
Communication Research Methods
3 credits
COM 3350
 pencil icon Leadership Communication
3 credits
COM 4300
Persuasion and Social Influence
3 credits


Strategic Communication Concentrations (9 credits)

Select one of the following concentrations:


Public Relations
JRN 1000
Foundations of Journalism
3 credits
COM 3480
Public Relations Writing
3 credits
COM 4500
Public Relations Campaign Development
3 credits


Leadership & Teamwork
COM 2040
Workplace and Professional Communication
3 credits
COM 3320
Teamwork and Communication
3 credits
COM 4800
 star icon Applied Topics in Organizational Communication
3 credits


Diversity & Inclusion
COM 3320
Teamwork and Communication
3 credits


COM 4790
 pencil icon Gender and Communication
3 credits


COM 4740
Intercultural Communication
3 credits
COM 4800
 star icon Applied Topics in Organizational Communication
3 credits


Media & Technology

Pick two of the following:

COM 3540
Web Design and Digitial Communication
3 credits
COM 3840
Organizational Communication Technologies
3 credits
COM 4480
 pencil icon Media Management and Telecommunication
3 credits
COM 4490
Communication Technology and Innovation
3 credits


COM 4500
Public Relations Campaign Development
3 credits


Communication Electives (9 credits)

A minimum of six elective hours must be selected from upper-level (3000 or higher) courses. One course (three hours) must be selected from the existing Strategic Communication concentrations. The remaining elective credit hours may be selected from any major/minor within the School of Communication. Courses taken outside the School of Communication may be used with prior approval from the School of Communication advisor.

  • Course prerequisites must be met to enroll in upper-level courses. A course and its prerequisite cannot be taken at the same time.
  • Grade requirement: A minimum grade of C is required in all courses to be applied toward the major. The school prohibits students from taking a class more than twice for credit.
  •  pencil icon Baccalaureate-level writing requirement must be met by taking one of the courses marked with a pencil icon. (COM 3350, COM 4790, or COM 4480)
  •  pencil icon Students may take up to six (6) hours of COM 3050/COM 4800 provided the topics are different.
  • Up to six (6) hours of COM 3980/4990 may be used as electives in the major.
  • Courses outside the school may be used with written prior permission of the School of Communication faculty advisor.