Worker's Compensation 51福利社 Michigan University

Work-related injuries and illnesses are never fun.

This guideline is provided to help you and your supervisor ensure that you are getting the proper medical care and timely pay.  Below, we will discuss everyone's responsibilities as it pertains to your injury or illness.

Please be advised that all worker's compensation cases may be different, and this is only a guideline.

Please call us when you have questions or need any assistance throughout your case at:

     (269) 387-5590 (Environmental Health and Safety)

     (269) 387-3620 (Human Resources).

Employee responsibilities:

  • Notify your supervisor immediately and seek medical assistance: if it is Monday-Friday, from the hours of 8AM-5PM, call Sindecuse Health Center (269) 387-3287.  Be sure to tell them your visit is work-related. If time permits, complete a WC210 form and bring it with you.  If you are having a medical emergency call 911 or proceed to the emergency room.
  • An Emergency can not and should not wait! Some examples are: you have a severe head injury, you have difficulty breathing, you are experiencing intense localized pain, something is outside that should be inside, or someone with First Aid/CPR training is encouraging you to go.  If you can wait to go to Sindecuse, please try to do so.
  • Whether or not you receive medical care, you and your Supervisor must complete the Accident/Injury (WC311) Form.  Submit this form, and any other paperwork received during your doctor's appointment(s) to your supervisor.  Your supervisor must forward all your paperwork to EHS (mail stop 5485).
  • If the doctor has decided that they need to restrict your activity, be sure to abide by those restrictions when you are at home as well as at work.  If your department can not accommodate your restrictions, then you may be taken off work.
  • Call EHS at (269)387-5590 if you are taken off work.
  • If you require medical care outside of Sindecuse or are taken off work, your information is submitted to our worker's comp carrier, CompOne.  A representative from CompOne may call you to verify your information, get information about the incident, and make sure your case is running smoothly.
  • Be sure to attend all of your doctors', physical therapy, and testing appointments, and participate in your treatment plan. 
  • Keep your Supervisor, EHS, your HR Rep and CompOne in the loop with how you are doing.

You are responsible for paying your insurance premiums if you are off work.  Worker鈥檚 Comp does not pay that for you.

Sick leave must be exhausted before using annual leave. 

If you are off work for less than 7 days, you may need to use your Sick Leave to cover the time off.

If you are unable to return to work after 12 consecutive months off payroll, your employment may be separated.

Check the Employee Handbook or your collective bargaining agreement, if applicable, for additional information.

 Human Resources Responsibilities:

  • Please contact your Human Resources Representative to discuss:
  •    Coordination of benefits.
  •    Use of sick and annual leave.
  •    Length of leave.
  •    Healthcare benefits.
  •    Any questions related to leaves of absence, benefits, and employment.

EHS Responsibilities:

  • Submit your claim, paperwork, and bills to CompOne.
  • Keep records of appointments you attended, your restrictions, and when you are off and back to work.
  • Facilitate communication between HR, CompOne, Sindecuse, and your Supervisor.
  • Coordinate Sick Leave buy-back if you are off work longer than 7 days.
  • Find the answers to any questions you will have.

 Supervisor Responsibilities:

  •  Call ahead to Sindecuse to alert them that an employee is on their way or to make an appointment for a non-urgent concern.
  • Decide if they have work for you that can accommodate your restrictions, and notify you and EHS if they can accommodate or you will need to be off work.
  • Pass along paperwork from your appointments to EHS.

Communication is key!