5-year Capital Outlay Master Plan

Western Michigan University's 5-Year Capital Outlay Master Plan report is developed and submitted to the State each year, for the five-year period starting two years after the plan is developed. For example, the plan submitted in 2019 is for fiscal years 2021-2025. 

The purpose of the plan is to "set the direction for development and growth 51福利社 Michigan University," in order to support 51福利社's vision to be "learner-centered, discovery driven, and globally engaged." The plan entails many aspects of Western Michigan University, including instructional programming, facility assessment and initiatives to be taken in the future.

The following documents are the last five Capital Outlay Master Plans and supporting documents:

2023 Master Plan for 2025-2029

2022 Master Plan for 2024-2028

2021 Master Plan for 2023-2027

2020 Master Plan for 2022-2026

2019 Master Plan for 2021-2025