Career Clusters for Workforce Education and Development

Lesson plans

This resource guide was developed as a project produced by students enrolled in a leadership development program in career and technical education in 2004.

The materials were edited and coordinated by Dr. Carl A. Woloszyk, professor emeritus, and Kymberli Cotton-Flanagan, doctoral associate and faculty member.

Student achievement record

The student achievement record represents the foundation knowledge and skill competencies for this Career Cluster. Because of the commonality of the Career Clusters, student achievement can be communicated from one program to another for the purpose of recognition or articulation. This tool can be used by the student themselves and when articulating curriculum between secondary and post-secondary institutions.

The achievement record can be used to measure a level of achievement which can be communicated separate from grades because the skill can be identified.


  1. Exposed to Task—Students achieving at this level would be aware of the existence of the task but would not have any demonstrated competence with the task.
  2. Accomplished the Task With HelpStudents achieving at this level are able to perform the task with assistance. Assistance can be in the form of the time required to perform the task, a resource needed to perform the task, or a person’s help in performing the task.
  3. Accomplished Task to CriterionStudents achieving at this level are able to perform the task to a criteria by themselves.
  4. Ability to Teach TaskStudents achieving at this level are able to perform the task well enough to teach others how to perform the task or demonstrate to others the performance of the task.

N. Not Exposed to TaskAn “N” represents the fact that a student was not exposed to a particular task because of program time constraints.

How to use the Student Achievement Record

The Student Achievement Record is designed to be used for each individual student. The assessment may be done in one of the following situations:

  1. The Student Achievement Record may be completed for each individual student to record skill performance for the course or program.
  2. It may be used by the student to keep a record of individual performance.
  3. It may be completed by the instructor at the request of a student for the purpose of communicating skills to an employer or another institution.

The Student Achievement Record requires each instructor to evaluate a student’s performance and indicate in the appropriate place the level of performance achieved.

The Student Achievement Record includes all the tasks in the Career Cluster. The evaluation of student performance on individual tasks represent performance at a particular point in time. It should not imply that this task can be performed consistently at the same level without additional practice and/or instruction.