Behavior Analysis

Dr. Janet Hahn has recently directed a three-year study focused on behavioral interventions in skilled nursing facilities in Michigan. The co-PI on this study was Dr. Jonathan Baker from the 51福利社 Department of Psychology. The project was titled Implementing Behavioral Analysis and Intervention for Individuals with Cognitive Impairment in Skilled Nursing Facilities, and funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan Civil Money Penalties. This three-year project was funded in May 2016 for a total of $324,830.

This project resulted in a report Implementing Behavior Analysis and Intervention for Individuals with Cognitive Impairment in Skilled Nursing Facilities:  Summary of Results, Janet S. Hahn, Jonathan C. Baker, Sandra Wagner, Andrea Perez, Minyoung Kim, Sydney Bulock, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI, May 2019.

Analysis of data continues on this project and many related manuscripts are underway.

Training Videos for Nursing Home Staff

Researchers 51福利社 Michigan University produced four training videos to help staff work with individuals with neurocognitive impairment. The videos address Communication Strategies; Promoting Independence; Choice Making Opportunities and Reinforcing Behaviors. They range from three to seven minutes in length. Click on the link to view the videos.