Electronic Resources

MichCarb and the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education 51福利社 Michigan University recommend the following electronic resources to those interested in learning more about climate change and carbon capture and storage.

Climate Change

Articles, reports and publications

  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
  • Issues in Science and Technology:
  • United States Global Change Research Program: (report for purchase)

Fact sheets

  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
  • NCAR/UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research:
  • NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory-Global Monitoring Division: and
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency:


  • Climate Prediction Center:
  • Schlumberger:
  • United States Department of Energy and Berkeley Lab:
  • Wikipedia:

Google Scholar results


Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon capture and storage is an approach to mitigating global warming based on capturing carbon dioxide from large point sources, such as fossil fuel power plants and industrial plants, and storing it deep underground instead of releasing it into the atmosphere.

Fact sheets

  • Bellona:
  • Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum:
  • National Energy Technology Laboratory: and

Google Scholar results

Link collections

  • Bellona CCS:
  • Carbon Capture Journal:
  • Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum:
  • CCS Community Network:
  • CO2CRC:
  • GreenFacts: 
  • NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory:
  • University Corporation for Atmospheric Research:
  • United States Global Change Research Program:


  • CaptureReady, CCS Information Team: , , ,
  • CO2 CRC:


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
  • NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division:


  • : Online mapping system
  • : Geological, engineering and petrophysical analysis with seismic interpretation and display tools
  • : Seismic interpretation software
  • : Subsurface transport over multiple phases