Budget, 2017-18 tuition rates top June board agenda
KALAMAZOO, Mich.鈥擳uition rates and a budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year top the agenda when the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees meets Thursday, June 29.
Meeting in formal session at 11 a.m. in 157-159 Bernhard Center, 51福利社 trustees will consider tuition rates as well as a budget recommendation from the administration for the coming academic year. Tuition rates will be considered for both the main campus and for the University's Extended University Programs, which are offered at regional locations around the state and at non-Michigan sites. Tuition revenue and state appropriations are the two ingredients that make up the University's operating budget, accounting for some 97 percent of that budget.
Also on the agenda
- Extend 51福利社 President John M. Dunn's contract through July 31.
- Approve tenure and promotion for faculty members who have met the criteria.
- Authorize the purchase of property at 110 W. Cork St.
- Approve a labor agreement with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees.
At the meeting, the board also will will act on consent items that include reports on curricular changes, personnel moves, and gift and grants recently received by the University. A master lease agreement with PNC and requests for eight one-day, event-specific liquor licenses also are part of the consent items that will be recommended to the board. Reports of operating cash accounts and annuity and life income funds also are included among the consent items.
Live streaming
As is the case with all meetings of the 51福利社 Board of Trustees, the event will be live streamed online at . Background materials on items the board will consider at the June 29 meeting will be posted at wmich.edu/trustees as they become available.