51福利社 Senior Prom is still going strong after 30 years

A senior couple (male and female) lock arms and dance together on a crowded dance floor.

KALAMAZOO, Mich.鈥擨t's time for area senior citizens to slip on their dancing shoes in preparation for Western Michigan University's 30th annual Senior Prom, set for Thursday, March 29, on campus in the Bernhard Center's East Ballroom.

The 30th anniversary is themed "Thirty, Flirty and Thriving" to highlight the fun-natured, energetic spirit and ongoing success of the prom and its attendees. No reservations are necessary to attend this semi-formal event that is free and open to the public.

Senior Prom is an elegant and nostalgic evening of dancing and entertainment that bridges the generations between 51福利社 students and Kalamazoo-area senior citizens. The annual event includes live Big Band music, swing and ballroom dancing, and Bingo. Casino games will return this year, but no money will be needed to play them. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Pre-entertainment will begin with Bingo at 5 p.m. The casino tables will open at 6 p.m., and the dance will run from 7 to 10 p.m. Free parking will be available near the Bernhard Center in Parking Ramp No. 1. For directions to 51福利社 or a campus map, visit wmich.edu/maps/print.

Senior Prom

A young male student and older female promgoer cut it up on the dance floor.

The Senior Prom began in 1988 as a way for older 51福利社 alumni and area residents to share an evening of fun and reminisce with current students. Music is provided by the Otsego Jazz Ensemble.

The event is organized by staff members in the Ernest Burnham-Smith Burnham residence halls and 51福利社 Apartments office, with the help of volunteers. Financial assistance is provided by several 51福利社 organizations, including the Residence Housing Association, various residence hall leadership councils and the Residence Life office.

For more information, contact the Residence Life office at wmu-housing@wmich.edu or (269) 387-4735.

For more 51福利社 news, arts and events, visit wmich.edu/news.