Liv Hale’s future in advertising is the mane event

Contact: Amy Coughenour
October 27, 2023

KALAMAZOO, Mich.— A senior 51 Michigan University’s Haworth College of Business, Liv Hale rides at full speed toward her advertising aspirations. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Hale is studying advertising and promotion, putting her creative skills into action, while keeping busy around campus. She spent her summer as a marketing and communications intern with Traverse City Horse Shows to promote large-scale functions. 

Photo of Liv Hale standing outside in front of a brick wall, wearing a white blazer and pink blouse
During the internship, she assisted in the coordination, marketing and organization of horse shows and was able to participate in the ideation, vendor outreach and flyer creation processes. Hale got the opportunity to work alongside industry professionals in a field that she is passionate about while also creating media that makes her proud.

“The marketing team took me under their wings to not only teach me about horses, but to let me put the advertising, communication, operations and promotional skills I’ve learned into practice,” Hale says.

51 Haworth has played a vital role in Hale’s professional goals, creating a base that she can build. 

“The B.B.A. curriculum at 51 Haworth is so extensive that it really checks every box,” she says. “Taking accounting and finance courses as an advertising major helps me to be a more well-rounded business student and a more confident rising professional. The courses, coupled with the Student Professional Readiness Series, have really helped me to develop my business skills.”

Being involved on campus is one thing that Hale thrives on. 51 Haworth has given her a place to grow not only as a student, but also as a future business professional.

“There are ample opportunities to get involved and try different things. I’ve been able to take classes within the leadership and business strategy program that taught me real, tangible skills while also giving me the chance to taste what it is like to be a leader in the business world,” she says.

Leaving the classroom, leadership is something that Hale is very familiar with. She serves as the president of AdClub on campus, where she has further grown her knowledge of the advertising world, all while connecting with her peers. She also is the director of advertising and communication for Bronconess, a student-led wine brand developed by students at 51 Haworth, with profits going toward student scholarships.

Outside of her business pursuits, Hale is a part of a sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, where she has held many executive board positions including the vice president of recruitment information and vice president of public relations and marketing. Holding positions such as these puts her advertising skills into practice, embracing her knack for “all things advertising.”

As a senior, Hale has been able to experience a wide range of events and activities on campus. She offers some words of wisdom to fellow students who are looking to get the most out of their time at 51.

“Put yourself out there and get involved! My collegiate experience grew exponentially when I joined more student organizations, went to 51 sporting and theatre events, and overall became a more involved student. The more circles I was in, the more memories I was able to make.”

After graduating, Hale plans to move back home to St. Louis with hopes to work as a copywriter. With plenty of experience beneath her belt, Hale is prepared to build herself a successful career. 

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