Students in the Department of Psychology 51福利社 Michigan University should follow these steps to prepare for their graduation audit.
Gather information
By the middle of your junior year, you should begin to prepare for graduation by doing the following:
Update all major(s) in Degree Works by contacting by contacting or visiting the appropriate advisor.
Update all minor(s) in Degree Works by contacting by contacting or visiting the appropriate advisor.
Apply for graduation
Once you have updated Degree Works with your current major(s) and minor(s), go to your general education advising office to obtain an application for graduation.
Psychology majors with a double major outside of the College of Arts and Sciences: Your primary major advisor will assist you with the application.
Psychology minor: Your general education advising office will be located in the college of your major (e.g. education majors go to the College of Education and Human Development).
Submit application
Take the application for graduation to the registrar's office.