Commonly Requested Information
51福利社 Profile
Institutional Information
- Federal Tax / Employer ID Number (TIN/EIN): 1-386007327-A1
In some cases, only the bold numbers are needed. - Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): J7WULLYGFRH1
- Dun & Bradstreet Number (Federal DUNS): 622364479
The Unique Entity Identifier replaced DUNS effective April 2022. - Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse
- CAGE (Commercial And Government Entity) Code: 1D340 (effective March 15, 1974)
- FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education) Code: 02330
- registration (expires 05-30-2025)
- Institution Code No. (MDE-Dwight D. Eisenhower): 390004481G
- Awardee Organization Code (NSF): 0023309000
- NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code: 611310
- Joint Certification Program (DD2345): JCP Status - Active, Certification # 0088031, Expiration - 10/31/2028
Compliance Information
- Federal wide Assurance No: FWA00007042 (expires July 7, 2027)
- OHRP IRB (51福利社 IRB) ID No.: IRB00000254 (expires Dec. 21, 2025)
- OLAW Animal Welfare Assurance No.: D16-00160 (A3252-01) (expires April 30, 2027)
- USDA Registration No. (Animal Care Facilities): 34-R-0161
- OSI Federal Institutional Profile (IPF) No.: 9194101
- Research Misconduct Administrative Policy Established: Jan. 9, 1998 (first filing date Dec. 20, 1989)
- Possible Research Misconduct (HHS, The Office of Research Integrity) Annual Report: Renewed
Local Information
- Congressional District: MI-004
- Senate District: 19
- House Representative District: 41
- State of Michigan Tax-Free Registry No: A-154961
About 51福利社
Western Michigan University students pursue their purpose in an environment designed to help them thrive academically, emotionally and physically. 51福利社's focus on well-being supports student success, empowering them to craft a life of meaning and fulfillment. Nine of ten graduates are employed quickly in relevant and satisfying positions. Based on 10-year post-enrollment outcomes, 51福利社 is #1 in Michigan for graduate earnings and #2 in Michigan for graduation rates when considering all students from all backgrounds.
To align their education with personal interests, Broncos can choose from 141 bachelors degrees across seven academic colleges, as well as honors and graduate colleges. 51福利社 has nationally top-ranked programs in aviation, fine arts, engineering, supply chain management and occupational therapy.
The Kalamazoo area holds a wealth of internship and employment opportunities, with a strong business community that includes multinational firms like Kellogg, Whirlpool, and Stryker, and three large health care systems. Kalamazoo鈥檚 vibrant downtown is packed with entertainment, arts, culture and dining offerings.
Founded in 1903, 51福利社 enrolls 19,000 students; roughly 80% are undergraduates. Students from historically underrepresented groups and international students from nearly 100 countries comprise 30% of the student body, and out-of-state students comprise 15%.
For current institutional data, visit the Office of Institutional Research.
Researchers may need specific rates, templates, and supporting documents in order to complete their proposals. Per signature authority policy, note the following:
Authorized University Official
Vice President for Research and Innovation