Structure and Timeline

Structure/ timeline

 Phase I: Spring Semester 2021

  • Seat committee members from across University divisions.
  • Review relevant commitments and implementation activities.
  • Investigate progress toward existing climate commitments through consolidation of greenhouse gas reporting data.
  • Make recommendations for appropriate baseline comparisons and improved data collection.
  • Consider peer institution and/or consultant participation.
  • Launch subcommittees.


Phase II: Beyond Spring Semester 2021

  • Based on the data review in phase one, identify targeted actions to increase both mitigation and resiliency and make recommendations to update the 51福利社 Climate Action Plan as necessary.
  • Determine the feasibility of an accelerated carbon neutrality goal that would bring 51福利社 in line with current scientific and policy recommendations. Specifically, for example, from 2065 (current commitment) to the year 2050, with a 45%-50% reduction achieved by 2030.
  • Align the delivery of committee recommendations with new Interdisciplinarity, Strategic Planning, and related efforts.