Students playing bingo outdoors

Find Someone Who... Bingo

 Why do it? Break the ice by learning about others in the room or furthering your own knowledge.

 Category: Icebreaker
 Time: 30 minutes
 Group or Individual: Group Activity



In this activity, participants will seek out others who fit a certain criterion or have the knowledge identified in the spaces on the Bingo card. This activity can be designed specifically to achieve identified goals. For example, if your goal is to spread knowledge of different cultures or perspectives you may ask questions like, find someone who...can explain the celebration of Diwali....or has a cultural dish they serve at special family gatherings. If your goal is to get participants to find commonalities or learn about one another, you may ask things like, find someone who...likes cats better than dogs...or is an excellent cook.



  1. Before the session prepare a bingo card filled with a grid of squares and questions or answers.
  2. On the day of class, pass out the cards face down and tell participants they will have a certain amount of time to achieve a "Bingo."
    1. five boxes in a row – going across, down, or diagonally
    2. an X diagonally through the middle
    3. a picture frame – all of the outside boxes filled in
    4. blackout – with every box completed
  3. The rules:
    1. You must talk to others and cannot pass the papers around the room.
    2. You must write the answer to the criteria in the box. (Ex: Bobbi Bronco has lived in Germany.)
    3. Each person can only write their name on each card once – depending upon the number of participants vs. squares.
  4. Once time has passed or someone has achieved a bingo, have participants share out what they learned.

Note: Depending on time, you may want to go through each square to see who might have responses to the questions. If learning about cultures or concepts is the goal of the activity you will want to go through each square to discuss accurate responses.

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This might be what the first row looks like if the goal is to get to know one another:

Find someone who...

Likes cats better than dogs.Has visited at least 10 states in the United States.Has lived in a country other than the USA.Has a favorite dish they like to cook.Enjoys camping.

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