Undergraduate Studies Council

Role statement

The Undergraduate Studies Council (USC) reviews, develops, and recommends policy regarding undergraduate education, except for the 51福利社 Essential Studies curriculum 51福利社 Michigan University. Policy recommendations shall include, but are not limited to, the establishment of new departmental programs, new interdisciplinary undergraduate programs, apparent duplication between existing programs, needs for additional or specialized instruction, and assurance of learning procedures for new and existing undergraduate programs. USC shall, at its discretion of as charged by the Faculty Senate Executive Board, consider any issues it believes directly affects the undergraduate curricula and programs of the University.

Council standing committees

  1. Transfer of Credit Committee鈥攔eviews transfer policies and procedures.
  2. Service Learning Course Approval Committee鈥攔eviews proposed service learning course syllabi to ensure courses meet service learning criteria.

Faculty members of USC committees are nominated by deans, directors or chairs and elected by the council to serve three-year terms.

Charges 2023-24

In addition to its specific responsibilities listed in the Undergraduate Studies Council鈥檚 role statement and the work of its standing committees including but not limited to the Intellectual Skills Program Advisory Committee, the the Service Learning Course Approval Committee, and Transfer of Credit Committee, the Faculty Senate Executive Board charges the USC to consider, as a committee of the whole or through the appropriate committee or task force, the following:

  1. Review, act, and vote on each undergraduate curriculum proposal that comes before the USC within 30 days and submit decisions to the Faculty Senate office within two business days.
  2. Coordinate with the Intellectual Skills Program Advisory Committee, the Service Learning Course Approval Committee, and the Transfer of Credit Committee including providing a USC liaison to each, recruitment of membership, providing charges, monitoring accomplishments, and ensuring that a year-end report is submitted on time.
  3. Collaborate with the Graduate Studies Council on defining cross-level courses and recommend implementation practices. Conclude the initiative by producing a report to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.
  4. Collaborate with the International Education Council and the Graduate Studies Council to provide recommendations on how to best support faculty in the area of global learning (e.g. global classrooms, virtual study abroad, and international curriculum). Conclude the initiative by producing a report to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.
  5. Review the scope and description of the council's role statement and assess the effectiveness of the council's practices.
  6. At the annual April USC meeting, the council members must review the draft year-end report, to be submitted to the Faculty Senate office, by the council chair no later than June 30.
  7. Address any continuing or outstanding issues or initiatives as directed by the Faculty Senate Executive Board, members of the council, faculty, and/or academic administrators. Conclude the initiative by producing a report to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.

Approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Board on July 28, 2023