May 2020 Appreciation

Who deserves appreciation? Laura Kirkendall, a Service Center Representative from Facilities Management. Laura always strives to go above and beyond from her assigned responsibilities and branch out to get involved in creative problem-solving and projects. She was integral in getting the social media account for Facilities Management off the ground and continues to find ways to use social media platforms to engage and educate the 51福利社 community. It's been so inspiring to see how hard she will work to communicate with others and make improvements around her! She recently also organized a student appreciation day for students working at facilities. She had employees engage in a chili cook-off! She has been so inspiring to work with.

Posted By: Chantel Oah

Mr.pitt (Andrew J pitt), Mrs.Stone (Svetlana
stone) and all the members who are in international admission and office. I really wants to express gratitude to Mr.pitt and Mrs.stone who always help me when I was not doing great during semester. They helped me when I was depressed since due to the covid-19. I was depressed and emotionally unstable.. my grade was failing apart, and I really really needed somebody who can help me and I found this two amazing people who helped me. Without them I would not be in States and studying. I don't know how to appreciate with my limited English words but I will always remember these two names in my heart. God bless you.

Posted By: Sungpil Moon

I want to thank Svetlana stone for just an amazing job she is been doing over at the international student office. During this time of COVID 19, she has went out of her way to and help me with suggestions and guidelines to follow as an international student in order to solve with the issue I was having, she worked with me a lot until my issue was completely resolved. She cares and supports student especially now that students are overwhelmed and not able to meet with their advisors face to face. She is not only looking for information to give student and be done with the situation, it feel like she is their listening and supporting however she can help. She also encourages student and makes them feel calm while she investigate the student case to look for helpful information that can be used to help the student in need I鈥檓 glad to have known her and with the experience and dedication she has towards students shows how much she cares and supports international students. She has a good heart and I have no doubt in my mind that international students at 51福利社 are in good hands. I thank her for everything.

Posted By: Rene Tuyishime

Svetlana Stone, Immigration Advisor, International Admissions and Services Me and my family really appreciate all the guidance and assistance that Svetlana patiently gave when we were preparing documents for my STEM extension OPT and  Change of Status for my family. She patiently reviewed all the documents and all items in the application forms, helped us write better cover letters and guided us along the way. She offered advise and encouragement when we did not know what is the best course of action to take during the process. We spent hours in reviewing all these and she never gave up until everything sounded perfect. Thank you for all your help to international students.  We will never survive in the US (literally) if you are not as dedicated in doing what you do. Please always remember you make a difference in our lives. We cannot thank you enough. Me and my family wish you all the best.

Posted By: Ronalyn Vitancol