Special education program well represented at conference

March 25, 2015

Nathalie Hanson
Nathalie Hanson receives award

Nathalie Hanson, a special education student, recently received the 2015 Dr. Charles Van Riper Outstanding College Student Award at the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children.  Hanson was presented the award at the 75th Annual Michigan Council for Exceptional Children (MCEC) Conference Reception on March 5, 2015.

At this year’s conference, Western Michigan University’s special education program was very well represented.  Approximately 15 undergraduate students participated, while a host of alumni and graduate students also presented, participated and acted in leadership roles.

Special education faculty members Dr. Matthew Hoge, Dr. Sarah Summy, Dr. Luchara Wallace, Dr. Elizabeth Whitten, and the Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies Chair, Dr. Dan Morgan, all presented research and led sessions as well.