Frequently Asked Questions

Can persons of any faith come to Kanley Chapel?

Yes. Kanley can be described as non-denominational, or inter-faith. Everyone is welcome here.

How long is the chapel open?

The doors are opened at 7 am and closed at 10 pm except during holidays and university closed periods.

Is Kanley open to the public?

Yes. you do not have to be a student or employee in order to come to the chapel in a time of need or have a wedding.

Can we have our baptism at Kanley?

No. Kanley does not have staff clergy to perform the ceremonies nor is it equipped with a Baptismal pool. However, separate faith organizations within Kanley may provide this service.

Can you send me a clergy list? Affiliation list?

It depends. We are only allowed to send clergy lists to potential brides and grooms. The clergy have agreed to do a service for us, not the public. On that same note, we can send affiliation lists only to our faith organizations. We can, however, give out specific information such as office hours and office phone numbers to students or the public for one or two groups. The actual lists contain personal information; it would not be polite for us to give out their information without their permission.

Can I have a 2-hour wedding/wedding on Sunday or Friday?

It depends. The person would have to talk to the coordinator.

Can we have our reception at Kanley?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Kanley is more for a cake and punch, rather than a sit-down dinner.

Can I store the grooms’ tuxes and/or the brides’ dresses at Kanley Chapel overnight?

No. We cannot be responsible for them.

What color is the carpeting in the Upper Chapel?

Dark mauve, with neutral colored dots (beige, navy, green).

How long is the aisle in the Upper Chapel?

It is 57 feet to the first landing and an additional 36 feet for the stairs up to the alter. The total length is 93 feet.

What do we use to hold down the aisle runner?

Most people either use clear double sided masking tape or safety pins underneath the runner.

How many candles does a candelabra hold?


How many pews does the chapel have?

There are 34—17 on each side.

How many people can fit in the Upper Chapel?

Three hundred.

Does 51¸£ÀûÉç have catering services?

Please contact the Bernhard Center at (269) 387-4860 for catering options.

Can we use Kanley’s kitchen for our wedding?

You may use the kitchen for $15 extra. Note that it is small and may not accommodate all of your needs.

We have decided to book our wedding elsewhere? Can we have a full refund?

The $20 deposit is non-refundable. The amount of the refund will depend on how far in advance your event is canceled.

Please talk with the coordinator to discuss any other questions you may have in detail.