
Faculty in lab

As a learner-centered and discovery-driven institution, Western Michigan University values the research of its faculty. The following lists the research interests of faculty members in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Faculty Research Areas

Adjunct Research Areas

  • Nichol Holodick, Ph.D.—immunology 
  • Prentiss Jones, Ph. D.—toxicology
  • Erik Larson, Ph.D.—molecular and cellular biology 
  • David Linn, Ph.D.â€Â£±ð³Ü°ù´Ç±è³ó²â²õ¾±´Ç±ô´Ç²µ²â
  • Charles Mackenzie, Ph.D.—tropical disease
  • Peter Pioli, Ph. D.—immunobiology
  • Tom Rothstein, Ph.D.—immunology 
  • Gregory VandenHeuvel, Ph.D.—transcriptional regulation of kidney development 
  • Richard VanEnk, Ph.D.—m¾±³¦°ù´Ç²ú¾±´Ç±ô´Ç²µ²â
  • Rachel Warga, Ph.D.—developmental biology
  • Mark Webster, Ph.D.—molecular and cellular biotechnology

Emeriti Research Areas

  • Bruce Bejcek, Ph.D.—cancer biology
  • Leonard Beuving, Ph.D.—pathology, imaging
  • Richard Brewer, Ph.D.—ecology
  • David Cowan, Ph.D.—evolution, behavioral ecology
  • Joe Engemann, Ph.D.—zoology
  • Robert Eversole, Ph.D.—investigative pathology, Eosinophil, host parasite relationships
  • Leonard Ginsberg, Ph.D.—cell biology, toxicology
  • Charles Ide, Ph.D.—gene expression, environmental risk assessment
  • Steven L. Kohler, Ph.D.—population, community ecology, aquatic ecology
  • Stephen B. Malcolm, Ph.D.—ecology, chemical ecology
  • David Reinhold, Ph.D.—biochemistry, cancer biology
  • Susan Stapleton, Ph.D.—biochemistry, metabolism